
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Early Stages of Marriage

 Marriage is one of the most wonderful things a person can experience. It is when two people are joined together in committed love for the rest of their lives. However some people can get the wrong idea about marriage. Some believe that marriage will fix all of their problems they currently face. This is not true. In fact, marriage can create a lot of problems you normally wouldn't expect. Today I want to talk about some of those things. In the English language, there is only one word for love. This is hard because the word love can mean so many different things. In ancient Greece, they had four different words for love. The first is Storge, or familial love. This type of love is a natural affection one has for another, such as the love between a mother and her child. The second the word Philia, which usually translates into friendship. It represents care, respect, and compassion for those in need. It is a mutual respect towards people as human beings. The third word is Eros. This

My Thoughts and Suggestions for Dating

 Hello everybody! I have some insights on dating that I would like to talk about today. We're going to dive into what dating is and what dating can be. The first thing that I would like to talk about is what's called the four stages of dating. First it starts with the initial dating. Not necessarily committed dating but instead just going on dates. The second is courtship, which is dating somebody exclusively with an eye toward marriage. The third is engagement to marriage, and the last is marriage. Each of these stages have different focuses and elements.  Dating has to lead to one of two things. Either you end up getting married, or you break it off. There is no in between (at least in a healthy relationship). There are many different ways you could go about dating but you have to be careful. Dating somebody causes emotions inside of us to build up. If we don't watch these emotions or control them in a healthy way, dating itself can be unhealthy. Sometimes we call this mi

Gender roles

    Hello everybody! I hope you've been able to learn or get a different perspective from some of my blogs so far. We live in such a crazy world in which we are hammered with gender stereotypes. Today I wanted to talk about some of those stereotypes and look at some research that seems to go against what the world is trying to convey. Men and Women have differences but both play a very important role in marriage and family. First, I want to talk about some of the stereotypes regarding characteristics between men and women. American Culture over time has kind of shaped the idea of how a man or woman should act. We need to remember that not all cultural ideas and theories are accurate. Of course there is generally some truth but a lot of it is exaggerated. Let's dive into some of these ideas and talk about them: Females are generally more social than males. Females often speak their mind more than males do. It is almost therapeutic for a female to talk about her emotions and feel

The effects of culture

 Hello everyone! I have done some research on a topic that is a little bit different than last week's but still has a lot of similarities. Last week we talked a lot about different family theories and what their affects are. This week we are going to talk about culture. This isn't necessarily just about culture in one's own country; it relates more to family culture as a whole, which of course includes the culture in one's country. We are going to take a look at some research that was done regarding culture and what affect it can have on the family. Now there are a lot of things that we could focus on but first I want to get a solid definition of the word culture. The definition of culture is the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular people, nation, or other social groups such as the family, etc. Culture within the walls of a home can drive the way a family functions and communicates. Culture is values and beliefs that a family shares. Man