
Common Myths in Marriage

      Hello everyone! This will most likely be my last blog. Maybe I will continue it again some day But for now, this is it. As years go on and culture continues to change, media has a large influence on the outlook of marriage. However, it is important to understand the realities of marriage. Since this is my last one, I wanted to talk about some of the common myths and beliefs of marriage that aren't true.      The first myth that I would like to talk about is the idea that half of all marriages end in divorce. This is probably the most common misconceptions in today's world. While it is true that in the last decade there has been one divorce in every two marriages in the United States, this does not mean that there is a fifty percent failure rate. This might sound a little confusing, but let me explain. An actual failure rate is really hard to calculate. Let's say there are two million people who get married this year and one million of those get a divorce. This still d

The Divine Role of a Father

      In the typical family unit, we have two parent; a mother and a father. Both play very important roles in child development. There are many different ways to parent, but ultimately the goal is the same: to raise healthy and happy children. Today I want to talk specifically about fatherhood. The topic of fatherhood has become more prevalent as years move forward.  The role of a father involves providing for a family. However, this is not the only thing that a father is necessary for. While many people say that the mother is the primary nurturer, I would argue that the nurturing qualities of the father are equally as important as a mother's. For example, when a father is more involved with a child in preschool, the child is less likely to have problems at school.      Fathers have qualities that mothers do not (and vise versa). One of the unique qualities many fathers have is the ability to relate to their child. It can be very healthy for a father to be able to sit down with th

Effective Communication

      Hello again everybody! In a world that is now focused so much on digital communication, we as human beings tend to have a harder time knowing how to communicate.  In this day and age, we are so focused on being comfortable. This often makes communication seem like a scary and uncomfortable thing, however, it is of key importance to an effective, intimate, and lasting marriage. So today, I'd like to talk about many different forms of healthy communication and how they can help you in your marriage.     The English language is far from perfect. In fact, no language is perfect. Latin based languages are some of the best at expressing emotion, but they miss the mark. Language isn't always about the words we speak; it also has to do with how we present those words. Researchers have stated that words only depict about 14% of what we are trying to say. The other 86% has to do with our tone and body language. For example, if I were to come up to you and say, "You look really

Solutions to Anxiety Both In the Family and Individually

      Hello again! I've thought a lot about what I wanted to write about today. I've decided to focus on a topic that can relate to a lot of people. When interviewing a professor of mine who has been a licensed psychotherapist for about thirty four years now, I asked him what the most common reason that people would come in was. He told me that most people want help with depression and anxiety issues. This made sense to me. As the world gets crazier and more distant from the teachings of Jesus Christ, mental health problems unfortunately increase.     I want to talk first about what can cause these feelings (mainly anxiety) in marriage and how we can work through them. Think about some of the things that have caused stress in your marriage. These things can range through a broad spectrum of events. Everything from financial issues to the loss of a family member can cause anxiety. But what if I told you that anxiety isn't necessarily a bad thing. I think a lot of people are


    Hello everybody! I hope you had a great Halloween! Or if you don't celebrate Halloween, I hope you had a great week anyway. Today I am going to talk about a few different things but they are all going to be centered on one principle. Boundaries. Boundaries are vital to a successful marriage. They are also vital to raising children. I would like to talk about different kinds of boundaries and their benefits.     The first one that I want to talk about is the boundaries you set in marriage. The goal in marriage is to have complete fidelity. You want to be as loyal as possible. The way you get there is through setting boundaries with your spouse. What kind of boundaries are we able to set? One effective boundary in helping to protect a marriage is to not spend time alone with the opposite gender. There are many marriages that struggle because people will spend time with friends or coworkers alone. This can be especially hard for newly married couples because they still want to han

The Early Stages of Marriage

 Marriage is one of the most wonderful things a person can experience. It is when two people are joined together in committed love for the rest of their lives. However some people can get the wrong idea about marriage. Some believe that marriage will fix all of their problems they currently face. This is not true. In fact, marriage can create a lot of problems you normally wouldn't expect. Today I want to talk about some of those things. In the English language, there is only one word for love. This is hard because the word love can mean so many different things. In ancient Greece, they had four different words for love. The first is Storge, or familial love. This type of love is a natural affection one has for another, such as the love between a mother and her child. The second the word Philia, which usually translates into friendship. It represents care, respect, and compassion for those in need. It is a mutual respect towards people as human beings. The third word is Eros. This

My Thoughts and Suggestions for Dating

 Hello everybody! I have some insights on dating that I would like to talk about today. We're going to dive into what dating is and what dating can be. The first thing that I would like to talk about is what's called the four stages of dating. First it starts with the initial dating. Not necessarily committed dating but instead just going on dates. The second is courtship, which is dating somebody exclusively with an eye toward marriage. The third is engagement to marriage, and the last is marriage. Each of these stages have different focuses and elements.  Dating has to lead to one of two things. Either you end up getting married, or you break it off. There is no in between (at least in a healthy relationship). There are many different ways you could go about dating but you have to be careful. Dating somebody causes emotions inside of us to build up. If we don't watch these emotions or control them in a healthy way, dating itself can be unhealthy. Sometimes we call this mi